Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis
Nucleic Acid Electrophosis reagets
Recommended for Nucleic acid fragments with sizes >1000bp. This agarose is also suitable for blotting assays. DNase / RNase activity not detected.
Storage: Room Temperature
Ordering Information | ||
Cat.No | Product | Units |
MX-0906-01 | Agarose Low EEO | 50g |
MX-0906-02 | Agarose Low EEO | 100g |
MX-0906-03 | Agarose Low EEO | 500g |
MX-0906-04 | Agarose Low EEO | 1Kg |
Recommended for serum protein electrophoresis and immuno electrophoresis.
DNase / RNase activity not detected.
Storage: Room Temperature
Ordering Information | ||
Cat.No | Product | Units |
MX-0907-01 | Agarose Medium EEO | 50g |
MX-0907-02 | Agarose Medium EEO | 100g |
MX-0907-03 | Agarose Medium EEO | 1Kg |
Recommended for immuno electrophoresis. DNase / RNase activity not detected.
Storage: Room Temperature
Ordering Information | ||
Cat.No | Product | Units |
MX-0908-01 | Agarose High EEO | 50g |
MX-0908-02 | Agarose High EEO | 100g |
MX-0908-03 | Agarose High EEO | 1Kg |
Recommended for 1000bp fragment separation in analytical electrophoresis. The low melting temperature of this agarose (65 ° C) allows the gel to be melted without damaging the DNA, so the fragments can be recovered. Dnase / Rnase activity not detected.
Storage: Room Temperature
Ordering Information | ||
Cat.No | Product | Units |
MX-0905-01 | Agarose Low melting point | 10g |
MX-0905-02 | Agarose Low melting point | 100g |
Prehybridization buffer is 2X in concentration, the buffer is prepared in a nuclease free water, it contains SSC buffer, sonicated Salmon sperm DNA, Denharts solution.
In pre-hybridization step, filter (membrane) is incubated in a prehybridization buffer, which is designed to precoat or block the membrane, then probe bind non-specifically to the template DNA. In hybridization pre-hybridization step is important, fail to do this step leads to high background.
Storage: Prehybridization buffer is supplied in frozen condition
Ordering Information | ||
Cat.No | Product | Units |
MX-0653-01 | Prehybridization Buffer 2X | 50 ml |
Hybridization buffer is 2X in concentration, the buffer is prepared in a nuclease free water, it contains SSC buffer, Denharts solution.
In Hybridization step, filter (membrane) is incubated in a hybridization buffer, with probe.
Storage: Hybridization buffer is supplied in frozen condition.
Ordering Information | ||
Cat.No | Product | Units |
MX-0654-01 | Hybridization Buffer 2X | 50 ml |
A single-strength (1X) solution contains 0.089M Trisbase, 0.089M borate and 0.002M EDTA.
10X TBE used as running buffer for agarose gel electrophoresis at the working concentration of either 0.5X or 1X
Storage: Room Temperature.
Ordering Information | ||
Cat.No | Product | Units |
MX-0900-01 | 10X TBE Buffer | 200ml |
A single strength (1X) solution contains 0.04M Tris base, 0.04M acetate, and 0.001M EDTA/p>
50X TAE used as running buffer for agarose gel electrophoresis at the working concentration of 1X
Storage: Room Temperature.
Ordering Information | ||
Cat.No | Product | Units |
MX-0900-01 | 10X TBE Buffer | 200ml |
It consists of 0.025% Bromophenol Blue and 40% Sucrose, used as a tracking dye for agarose gel electrophoresis at the concentration of 1X.
Storage: 4 ° C
Ordering Information | ||
Cat.No | Product | Units |
MX-0902-01 | 6X Gel Loading Dye | 6 x 1ml |
Biotechnology Grade
MW 394.32
Purity: >98.0%
Moisture: <8.0%
Ammonium Bromide: <0.1%
Storage: Room Temperature
Ordering Information | ||
Cat.No | Product | Units |
MX-0904-01 | Ethidium Bromide (Powder) | 10mg |
MX-0904-02 | Ethidium Bromide (Powder) | 50mg |
MX-0904-03 | Ethidium Bromide (Powder) | 100mg |
MX-0904-04 | Ethidium Bromide (Powder) | 1g |
A readily prepared solution and can be used as such. It acts as an intercalating agent to nucleic acids, which fluorescence under UV (to stain nucleic acid).
Storage: Room Temperature
Ordering Information | ||
Cat.No | Product | Units |
MX-0904-03 | Ethidium Bromide (Solution) | 1ml |
It is used in gel and running buffer to visualize DNA.
The migration of the DNA can be monitored, as bands are visible in ambient light.
Ordering Information | ||
Cat.No | Product | Units |
MX-0971-01 | 10X Gel Staining Solution (for Nucleic Acid) | 100 ml |
it consists of 0.025% Orange G and 30% Glycerol. Used as a tracking dye for agarose gel electrophoresis/p>
Storage : 4°C
Ordering Information | ||
Cat.No | Product | Units |
MX-0903-01 | 6X Orange Gel Loading Dye | 6X1ml |